Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Perception is Reality is Questionable

There is an old saying that demands our perception of things is reality to us but that doesn't mean that our perception is sincerely reality. I have surmized that Satan operates within our perceptions. We live in a day and age where communication has drastically changed. Instead of a heartfelt handwritten note we send our thoughts electronically via E-mail. Instead of picking up the phone and calling a friend with a question we shoot it their way in a text. Instead of taking the time to ask someone what a statement, look or gesture meant... we allow Satan access to our minds by seeking to figure it out on our own. Before we know it, we have imagined the worse possible scenario and have accepted it as the truth therefore causing division.

How do we combat this dillema? It's very simple, go to the one you have a question with and ask them to clarify the situation. Nine times out of ten you will see that there was nothing to be at odds about. Confrontation is never fun but nearly always ends in peace!

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