Monday, October 26, 2009


Nobody likes them, they are not fun, they bring us down and they cause confusion. SO... why does God allow them? I mean He does love us right? Is He trying to get us so sick of this life that we fall more in love with the next one? Is it one of His ways of keeping us humble? I mean, His word does say that He resists the proud but gives grace to those who are humble... right?

I have my very own thoughts about the trials that are allowed to invade our lives and I believe, if we stop and try to understand their purposes, that we will begin to walk above the trials instead of being tread upon by them. Now I said that these thoughts are my very own but the truth is... these thoughts were written ages ago.

2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. James 1:2-3 (NKJV)

Your trial will demand a reaction from you and you and you alone can control what it will be. You can throw your hands in the air and quit or lower your head and trudge forward with excitement trusting that God's word is valid. You can despise your trial or embrace it knowing that God has given you the opportunity to come forth as pure gold...

But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:4

Here's the truth... too often we fix our eyes on others and the way they are reacting in regards to trial and we follow suit. My advice would be to fix your eyes upon Jesus and go with His plan.

God's up to something in the life of His children. If we believe it and watch for it we won't miss it. If we keep our eyes on self the train of blessing will just pass us by!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Is it any wonder that the church can't be any more effective than it is? The church body is plagued with a stout case of self! When Christians decide not to tell others about Christ is because of selfishness. When Christians don't give as the Lord has commanded it's because of selfishness. When Christians refuse to submit themselves for use in the ministry it's because of selfishness. When Christians who are serving complain about service it's because of selfishness. When Christians don't come back on Wednesdays or Sunday evenings (If their reason is other than emergencey, work or sickness) it's because of selfishness. Let's face it... when we get mad at someone else it's because we're being selfish! If this has made you mad it's because you're selfish; your pride has been attacked! Just try to go one hour refusing to say the words I or me. The world would be a much better place if the Christians in it would get this right. Jesus would have never made it all the way to Calvary if His mind would have been on self. As He prayed in the garden He prayed, "Not My will BUT Thine Lord". This is a challenge for each of you to do your own part. As the word instructs...

Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each
esteem others better than himself. Phil 2:2-3 (NKJV)

Pastor Chris Allman