Friday, January 15, 2010

This is Not a Rant

NO... this is not me just spewing in order to get some bad taste out of my mouth. The following in not a rant but is instead the truth.

Why is the church as a whole not marching forward in a steadier, unified and fortified effort? Because most march to the beat of their own drummer! Too many church folks tend to form their own opinion as to how the church ought to operate and mistake it for the gospel. Just in case anyone is wondering the gospel can be found between the table of contents and the maps; it has been summed up in the 66 books that were breathed into the heart of man by the Holy Spirit of God. In the event that you would wonder if your outlook on truth is valid, I would invite you to peruse the scriptures!

As a pastor I have come to notice that no other institution in the world even compares in regards to revolving doors! I see people come and then I watch them leave. The reasons are more numerous than you can imagine; everything from you didn't put my sister on the prayer list to I don't like the kind of toilet paper they use! Every now and then you'll get the spiritual answer... "God is leading us somewhere else". Now let's be honest... is He? It's a funny thing how God always starts leading folks away after something has happened to upset their apple cart. Hey, and if that offends you... take a step back and take a long look at you.

Pastors have had demands placed upon them that no human should have to bear. Here is precisely what I mean in regards to opinion verses truth. In the book of Acts 6:1-4, it is made clear that the man of God is mandated to do one thing... 4. but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word. Why did they have to arrive at that conclusion? Because there were a bunch of church folks griping about one group getting more attention than another group! Here was their direct reply... "It is not desirable that we should leave the word of God and serve tables. 3 Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business. SO... the Deacons were put in place! When was the last time somebody left the church because the Deacon didn't come running when they had a stumped toe? I had one gentleman tell me that a pastor should be on call 24/7 and that the pastor should even be willing to come to his house and have personal Bible study with his family! Hey... and for just $2.00 more I'll tuck you all in and sing you to sleep while my family does without a husband and a father!

In Jesus name it's about time the body of Christ gets a clue about the way things are supposed to be and step out of their Disney World mentality in regards to church! I know it's not good grammar but... this ain't no Country Club! This is not even a place that was designed to serve the believer. The church was established to win the lost and disciple those into mature Christians that in turn would serve the Church.

So Christian... if you are at odds with the Church, your pastor or any other part of the body because you haven't had your way... keep in mind that Jesus didn't die and therefore establish the Church to serve as your pacifier, in fact you need to count yourself blessed, humbled and privileged to even be considered a part of it!


tileline said...

Just read this for the first time & love it. Chris, I have followed GV for years & never cease marveling at the hard work involved in spreading the Gospel. The music is truly great but your (collective) love of the Lord comes through so clearly. God bless you all & for you, welcome. Thanks to all.

Jessica G said...

Wow. Well said, Chris.

My husband pastored several churches and, at one in particular, he had to do everything from lawn care and helping with church cleaning to teaching Sunday school and leading the singing. The church was small, granted, but there were others who could have helped and just wouldn't for one reason or another. He also had to work a part-time job because the church couldn't afford to pay enough to support a family.

You're so right about pastors needing to be there for their families. Too many pastor's kids are out of church today and extremely bitter because their dads were too busy running around trying to keep everybody in the church happy. (Which, btw, is impossible.)

Pastors and their families are being destroyed because the church members either don't know what the Bible really says about how to operate a church, or they'd rather do it their own way.

So much can and needs to be said about this. Thanks for stepping up, Chris! God bless!