Every second that ticks is another deposit in the bank of our yesterday. It's a span of time that is forever gone yet it's content can impact a life forever. It's a conglomeration of pleasant and painful memories and yes, we all have one... a past. When you are forced to reflect on your past, what comes to mind? Do you think about the good old days or do you recall circumstances that you wish you could erase for eternity? Whatever your recollection might consist of, there's a reason Paul wrote of his resolve to release the past...
Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but [this] one thing [I do], forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before... Phillipians 3:13
Here lies a truth that can and will change the lives of each of those who choose to receive it's message. First of all, Paul was not a man who, at any time, felt as if he'd reached his full potential in Christ. Isn't that what God's will is for each of us... to be all that He would have us to be? He begins by saying, "I count not myself to have apprehended". In other words, "I don't consider for a minute that I've arrived". Take into consideration who we're talking about here! This is PAUL!!! The Apostle who's testimony nearly converted the heart of Agrippa; the man who was left for dead after being stoned for his faith then stood up, dusted off and went on to the next town loudly and boldly proclaiming the good news of the gospel; Paul, who prayed and sang hymns at midnight with Silas resulting in a prison break and ultimately the conversion of the prison guard and all of his family! This same Paul wants to make sure we understand that he is fully aware that he has NOT reached his spiritual potential! Oh, if many of those in the church today could grasp the same truth of themselves.... oh well, moving on.
Nope, Paul says, I don't consider myself to be all I should be but... [this] one thing [I do], forgetting those things which are behind... Yes sir, undoubtedly, this is a key to becoming what God has in mind for us to be; FORGETTING THE PAST! Now if you are like me, there are things in your past that you wish to forget and, according to this scripture, you need to. If there are situations, scenes and circumstances that haunt you and cause you grief, disappointment, despair and regret; decisions that you made that were sinful and harmed your testimony, your name and those whom you love, repent of it, receive God's forgiveness over it and forsake it. Satan will seek to use your sinful mistakes to stop you in your spiritual tracks. Take a look at Paul's sinful history... he held the coats of those who stoned Stephen, a Spirit filled man of God. Paul was on his way to Damascus to wreak havoc on the Christians there having them imprisoned and even put to death if he could. Paul, then Saul, HATED the cause of Christ and sought to put an end to this force called "The Church". Friend, there is nothing that you've ever done that could outweigh the grace of God. Walk in the forgiveness God so sweetly grants you and leave your painful past far behind you!
Just as you can't live in the defeats of yesterday, I believe, it's just as detrimental to hang on to the victories you've experienced. Our victories are certainly cause for celebration but Satan can use them against us as well. Remember, we have a destiny to fulfill; a goal to reach, and we'll find it hard to advance if we are holding on to the victories of our past. Why? Because complacency, pride and comparable expectations can be the result. The fact that you've experienced a great accomplishment in some area in your life could certainly cause you to be hesitant in regards to striving for greater things. Hanging on to past successes could cause fear to believe that what you do today could never amount to what you've done before. In short, it could stop you from further growth. You may ask yourself, "What if I mess up? I could ruin my track record"... At that point those past accomplishments have birthed pride into your heart. God's word is clear when it says, "God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble". Yep, hanging on to the past is not a good thing under any circumstances!
I've found myself, at times, thinking about failures in my past and then reaching back further to reminisce on the way things were before the storm. Here's what I've learned; when I come back to earth it is today. If you've made decisions in your past that have resulted in pain, grief and distress I have some advice for you... begin TODAY making a past you can be proud of. Leave your past in the rear view mirror and set your sights on those things which are ahead for you!
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